
Charlotte Kramer

Commercial Officer, Department for Trade and Economic Affairs
Embassy of Sweden, Washington, D.C.

Charlotte Kramer works in the Trade and Economic Affairs section at the Embassy of Sweden in Washington DC since 2022. In her role as Commercial Officer, she manages advocacy efforts for Swedish companies doing business in the U.S., working closely with Swedish industry and various government and export agencies in promoting Swedish companies and solutions. She also serves as the embassy’s Agriculture and Food counsellor for the EU delegation in Washington, D.C. ​​​​​​​

Prior to her joining the Embassy, she served as Executive Director of the Swedish American Chamber of Commerce, Washington, DC.

Charlotte has held leading positions in the energy industry for over ten years, developing expertise in business development, project management and communication strategy.

Charlotte is a graduate of Linkoping Institute of Technology in Sweden, where she earned her Master of Science degree in Mechanical Engineering. Her master thesis was conducted in Boston, MA at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Northeastern University.

​​​​​​​Prior to pursuing her degree in engineering, she worked in the Swedish merchant navy as an able-bodied seaman and sailed around the world. She has dual citizenship US and Sweden and has lived in Washington, D.C. since 2010.